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December Deliberation: Preparing for New Year’s Goals with Intent

December Deliberation: Preparing for New Year’s Goals with Intent

by | Dec 15, 2023

December Deliberation: Preparing for New Year’s Goals with Intent

As December unfolds, the holiday spirit is in full swing, but it’s also the perfect time to engage in some thoughtful reflection and preparation for the upcoming year. Rather than waiting for January 1st to make resolutions, consider using December as a month of intentional planning and groundwork. Here are some meaningful activities you can undertake in December to pave the way for a successful pursuit of your New Year’s goals.

  1. Reflect on the Past Year: Take a moment to reflect on the highs and lows of the year. What achievements are you proud of? What lessons have you learned? Reflecting on the past provides valuable insights that can shape your goals for the future.
  2. Celebrate Accomplishments: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements from the past year, no matter how small. This positive reinforcement sets the stage for a motivated and confident approach to the goals you’ll set for the new year.
  3. Clarify Your Values and Priorities: Identify your core values and priorities. What matters most to you? Understanding your values helps align your goals with what truly brings fulfillment and satisfaction to your life.
  4. Set SMART Goals: Define your New Year’s goals using the SMART criteria – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Break down larger goals into smaller, actionable steps for a more manageable and achievable plan.
  5. Create a Vision Board: Visualize your goals by creating a vision board. Gather images, quotes, and symbols that represent the aspirations you have for the upcoming year. Display it in a prominent place as a daily reminder.
  6. Declutter Your Space: Start the new year with a clean slate by decluttering your living and working spaces. A tidy environment promotes clarity of mind and can contribute to a positive mindset as you embark on new endeavors.
  7. Establish Habits: Begin incorporating small habits that align with your goals. Whether it’s daily exercise, meditation, or journaling, establishing these habits in December can make them more ingrained by the time the new year arrives.
  8. Review Finances: Take stock of your financial situation. Create a budget for the upcoming year, set savings goals, and identify areas where you can cut back or invest more wisely.
  9. Learn Something New: Use December to acquire a new skill or gain knowledge relevant to your goals. Whether through online courses, workshops, or books, continuous learning enhances personal development.
  10. Connect with Supportive Individuals: Share your goals with friends or family who can provide support and encouragement. Building a support system can be instrumental in staying motivated throughout the year.

December serves as more than just a festive prelude to the new year; it’s a valuable opportunity to set the stage for meaningful and achievable goals. By engaging in intentional reflection, planning, and preparation, you can enter January with a clear vision and the motivation needed to turn your aspirations into reality. Embrace the spirit of deliberate action and watch as your New Year’s goals take shape with purpose and intention.